Time riddles are a fun and clever way to give your brain a workout! 🕰️ Whether you’re trying to figure out how time works in tricky puzzles or just want to challenge yourself, these riddles are perfect for sparking your curiosity. So, grab a stopwatch (or not!) and get ready to solve some time-related brain teasers!
Best Riddles About Time

Riddle 1:
I’m something that never moves, yet always moves forward. What am I?
Answer: Time ⏳
Riddle 2:
I have a face but no eyes, mouth, or nose. What am I?
Answer: A clock 🕰️
Riddle 3:
What can you never get back, no matter how hard you try?
Answer: Time lost ⏳
Riddle 4:
I tick without making a sound, and I never stop. What am I?
Answer: The passage of time ⏰
Riddle 5:
What’s always ahead of you, but never out of your reach?
Answer: The future ⏭️
Riddle 6:
What is something you can never hold, but always chase?
Answer: Time ⏳
Riddle 7:
I can be measured, but I don’t have a weight. What am I?
Answer: Time 🕰️
Riddle 8:
I get shorter as the day goes on, but I never actually shrink. What am I?
Answer: The shadow 🌇
Riddle 9:
What can move faster than light, but not be seen?
Answer: Time ⏱️
Hard Riddles About Time

Riddle 1:
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
Answer: The letter “M” 🔤
Riddle 2:
What is never early, never late, but always right on time?
Answer: A clock ⏰
Riddle 3:
What’s the one thing that can’t be saved, only spent?
Answer: Time 🕰️
Riddle 4:
What waits for no one and is always running?
Answer: Time ⏳
Riddle 5:
What can you divide, but it never gets smaller?
Answer: Time ⏱️
Riddle 6:
I’m a momentary thing that stretches forever. What am I?
Answer: The present 🕰️
Riddle 7:
What keeps going but never gets any older?
Answer: The clock 🕰️
Riddle 8:
What has a beginning, but no end, and always moves forward?
Answer: A timeline 🛤️
Riddle 9:
I have hands, but I can’t clap. What am I?
Answer: A clock 🕰️
Tricky Riddles About Time

Riddle 1:
What can you lose, but never touch?
Answer: Time ⏳
Riddle 2:
I can be counted, but I’m always moving forward. What am I?
Answer: Seconds ⏱️
Riddle 3:
What flies without wings, yet is always on the move?
Answer: Time ⏳
Riddle 4:
What runs without legs, but has a start and an end?
Answer: A clock ⏰
Riddle 5:
I can be borrowed, but I’m never truly yours. What am I?
Answer: Time ⏳
Riddle 6:
What can’t you see, but you know it’s always there, ticking away?
Answer: Time 🕰️
Riddle 7:
What can pass you by without you ever noticing, but once it’s gone, you wish you could have it back?
Answer: Time ⏳